wax vs rosin
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What’s the Difference Between Shatter, Wax, Resin, & Rosin

If you are one of the many cannabis consumers surprised to learn that live rosin and live resin aren’t the same thing, don’t sweat it. There are enough cannabis concentrate products on the market that casual consumers can be excused for not knowing all the intricacies of this growing niche. While it seems like that one letter difference between live rosin and live resin…

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Curing Rosin

Rosin makers are always looking for new ways to improve on their solventless game, and the newest trend hitting the scene is rosin jam. Cured rosin is really making a name for itself, and that’s because some intrepid solventless explorers have discovered that over time, rosin can mature like a fine wine.  The curing process usually involves rosin being collected…

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Effects of Edibles

Edibles are food products that contain cannabis. The many forms of edibles include baked goods, candies, chocolates, and beverages. People can purchase ready made edibles, or make their own, such as oils, butters, brownies, and ice creams. Edible cannabis products (edibles for short) are products containing cannabinoids that you eat or drink. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis that…

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Cannahoney Information&Recipe

Cannabis-infused Honey (or CannaHoney) can be a great addition to your Cannabis Edibles Recipes. While CannaButter can be great in baked goods and Canna Oil allows you to expand your menu to savory dishes, CannaHoney lets you add a little sweet cannabis to nearly any dish – like your morning oatmeal or afternoon cup of tea. This simple recipe for…

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how to pass a drug test
All about weed

Drug Testing – Marijuana

While NORML strongly opposes drug use on the job, we think no one should be forced to submit to urine testing, especially for marijuana. Aside from launching a legal challenge, your best defense against urine testing is to be clean. Unfortunately, this may be difficult since urine tests may detect marijuana 1-5 days after an occasional use, 1-3 weeks in…

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pgr weed dangers
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PGR Weed Dangers

If you’re a cannabis consumer it’s likely that at some point you’ve seen buds that looked like a rock and had an odd brown or orange color, if you’ve seen something like this, it’s likely that they were grown using PGR’s. Synthetic PGR’s are human-made hormones used to promote denser flowers and make plants develop short and bushy. Few people buying…

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how long does weed stay in your system
All about weed

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System

One of the most common questions we get asked as cannabis care providers is: How long does cannabis stay in your system? It’s an important question, for a number of reasons: It helps us calculate our proper dosage, gauge its effects, and—in the unfortunate event our employer institutes mandatory drug testing—to be aware of the threshold of detectability. Keeping in…

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fastest way to dry cannabis
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Fastest Way to Dry Cannabis

So, you now know how to grow pot, and your marijuana plant is ready for harvest! If you’ve grown it correctly, drying comes immediately after harvesting. A Pot for Pot has everything you need for your marijuana harvest, but you should prepare for drying before you finish growing your plants. You want the truth about quick drying cannabis? We think…

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what do i need to smoke dabs
All about weed

What Do I Need to Smoke Dabs

Falling somewhere between smoking a bong and vaporizing, using a dab rig is a relatively easy and smooth way of taking in a cannabis concentrate. Typically, if you know somebody who has a rig for dabs, inviting them to talk about it means you’re probably going to get your ear filled with an avalanche of what sounds like technobabble, leaving…

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