The combination of cannabis and coconut oil helps to relieve pain, fight cancer, improve the immune system, boost cognition, reduce inflammation, increase the metabolism, and protect heart health. Lauric acid , a fatty acid found in abundance in coconut oil, when mixed with cannabis produce better results.

Compounds in cannabis are fat soluble. What does that mean, exactly? They break down in fat rather than water. This means that in order to reap the benefits of dietary cannabinoids, you’ll need to consume them with some fat. Coconut oil is superior for nutrient absorption. This is true not only for cannabis but for other fat-soluble nutrients as well. Vitamin E and beta-carotene are two examples. In fact, when you purchase nutritional supplements, opting for liposomal (fat-based) delivery systems can dramatically enhance the total amount of nutrients you actually absorb. When you combine cannabinoids with fat, the fat helps the cannabinoids travel through your digestive tract where they will eventually be broken down and released for your body to use.
Improved binding
The high saturated fat content in coconut oil provides ample binding opportunities for cannabinoids. Coconut oil contains around 90% saturated fat, which is far superior to olive oil (15%). (But, don’t worry! This fat won’t clog your arteries or put inches on your waistline. This topic is discussed in detail below.) Since cannabis is fat-soluble, the higher the quality of the carrier fat, the better the extraction will be. The abundance and purity of the fat in coconut oil gives cannabinoids like THC and CBD have plenty of material to work with. This means that infused coconut oil provides the greatest bang for your buck.
Different types of fat
Different fats come in different shapes. Coconut oil contains an abundance of saturated fats of unique quality. Specifically, coconut oil is high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs). Other oils, like canola and sunflower oil, are primarily made of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). The body can break down the MCFAs in coconut oil much more easily than it can those of LCFAs. In fact, LCFAs require special enzyme proteins to break them down. Rather, MCFAs are directly metabolized into energy by the liver. This means that your body can burn those fats and put them to use right away. Liver metabolism makes for a stronger psychoactive experience. When consuming cannabis via an edible or infused oil, greater amounts of THC is converted to the psychoactive metabolite 11-hydroxy-THC. This makes the edible cannabis much stronger than smoked or vaporized cannabis. 11-hydroxy-THC crosses into the brain more easily than THC. Using coconut oil or other products that contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCT oils) triggers a relatively rapid release cannabinoids when compared to other oils. It also limits the fat stored on your waistline. Coconut oil gives you a quick energy boost without forcing your body to expend energy to free up the fat for use. When using other oils like canola, you’re more likely to store that oil as fat and it will take longer for your body to metabolize.
3 Benefits of coconut oil

There are a few other reasons to choose coconut oil. Not only is it a rich source of metabolism-boosting medium chain fatty acids, but some of these fats have specific health benefits, including,
1. Lauric acid
Lauric acid is a medium-chain fatty acid with antimicrobial properties. If you’re a fan of cannabis topicals, using slaves or creams with a coconut oil base provides natural protection against pathogens and infection. Lauric acid also promotes balanced cholesterol levels, making it a heart-healthy fat.
2. Caprylic acid
Caprylic acid is another MCFA with anti-microbial properties. Specifically, caprylic acid is anti-fungal. Research as early as 1949 found that this fat contained a natural fungicide, which could be beneficial for both topical and oral use. The over half-century old patent cited above found that the fat could be useful in treating mycotic infections on living organisms.
3. Vitamin E
Coconut oil contains small amounts of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that is excellent for skin and hair. While the oil itself is not the best dietary source of the vitamin, it does help the body absorb vitamin E more readily. Including more coconut oil in your diet helps ensure that your body is making the best use out of the phytonutrients that you consume on a daily basis.
Improves Heart Health
The healthy fats present in coconut oil are effectively beneficial forms of cholesterol, and can help lower the levels of “bad” cholesterol in the body.Cannabis coconut oil contains a compound called THC which is also known to lower blood pressure, making this combination an all-around boost for cardiovascular health.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Reduces Inflammation
Cannabis coconut oil contains THC and cannabinoids which cures inflammation associated with arthritis, injuries, and other conditions within the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help it soothe the stomach. When cannabis-infused coconut oil is applied topically it helps to clear up irritation on the skin.
Improves Metabolism
Cannabis coconut oil is able to stimulate the metabolism thus improve body functioning.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Boosts Cognition
THC present in cannabis coconut oil is associated with improving cognition, minimizing oxidative stress in the brain, and even checking the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.When combined with coconut oil’s antioxidant properties, this mixture can be a powerful boost to brain and its functioning.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Prevents Cancer
THC and other cannabinoids present in cannabis coconut oil can also prevent the spread of cancer cells and thus, lower the chances of cancer.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Relieves Pain
THC is considered an extremely effective painkiller as it is able to bind to the fat cells, making the cannabis oil more powerful and better able to function as an analgesic.It penetrates deep into the skin and addresses the muscle or joint pain at the very source for its cure. The oil, applied topically, is also used to medicate scrapes, wounds, cuts, and burns
Cannabis Coconut Oil Reduces Anxiety
The constituents present in coconut oil can help modulate hormones, due to the release of ketones in the liver. The THC is closely related to reductions in anxiety and stress, and can also help with sleep disorders and insomnia.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Acts as Topical Lotion
Cannabis coconut oil acts as a great topical lotion for the skin. It leaves the skin moisturized, healthy, and fresh.
Cannabis Coconut Oil Uses
The uses for cannabis coconut oil are endless.
- Add it to your morning coffee or herbal tea
- Stir it into your smoothie
- Drizzle it over pasta
- Add to sauces, salads, and dressings
- Put it in soups or stews
- Prepare meat dishes or even scrambled eggs
Basically, anything that you would normally use cooking oil for can be switched with cannabis-infused coconut oil.
However, it is important to remember that pure THC can be very powerful, and will give you the same effects as smoking marijuana. While adding this oil to your life can be hugely beneficial, as the list above shows, it is also a drug with mind-altering effects.
You should never operate heavy machinery or drive a car while you are under the influence of cannabis. It is also essential that you create a cannabis coconut oil that is safe to consume, so it must be in the proper ratios. Following a strict recipe is highly recommended, particularly if you are making cannabis coconut oil for the first time.