Vegans are used to asking questions and reading lists of ingredients, and now they have to do it at the pot shop, too. Most marijuana dispensaries keep their products behind the counter, and it’s not like cannabis brands are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, anyway. Still, some edibles makers are committed to vegan goodies, and you can always make your own at home.
It can be easy to feel like you’re being left out as a vegan. Cannabis products are included in this! Edibles are a popular way to consume cannabis but there are lots of recipes and edibles you can buy from a Los Angeles Dispensary that may not be vegan. In this article, we’re looking into vegan cannabis products such as vegan edibles to make sure you don’t feel left out and can enjoy all the benefits of cannabis edibles even though you are a vegan.
These vegan edibles are fantastic for cannabis, but if you are making your own, you can use products derived from cannabis, such as CBD. It doesn’t have psychoactive properties, but CBD oil can be added to give anti-inflammatory or calming effects.

Although most gummies use gelatin (you don’t want to know how that’s made; just realize that it comes from animals), there are brands that offer vegan options. One of Colorado’s most popular cannabis-infused gummies producers, Wana Brands, only makes vegan gummy treats. Highly Edibles, a division of Cannapunch, also supplies vegan gummies to pot shops across Colorado, as does Coda Signature, which makes a line of vegan fruit gummies.
Making your own gummies isn’t as hard as it looks, and can be done with relative ease if you live near a dispensary. Just buy THC distillate or CBD isolate (purified forms of the cannabinoids), and replace the gelatin powder with an equal amount of agar powder. Anyway you can try Faded Party Pack Gummies.
Most hard candies tend to be vegan, since they’re essentially a boiled-down mixture of sugar and water. However, some flavorings, especially the creamier ones, can carry animal products. Colorado’s loudest vegan lollipop brand right now comes from Canyon Cultivation, which makes a variety of delicious flavors, including caramel apple.
Mints and tarts
Although they seem close enough to lollipops, mints and tarts commonly contain gelatin and other animal-sourced products like shellac, carmine and beeswax. But Incredibles, one of Colorado’s largest edibles brands, makes mints and fruit tarts that are vegan, according to the company. Canyon Cultivation’s “Suck It” fruit-flavored tarts are also vegan.
Cannabis-Infused Peanut Butter
This is one of the simplest recipes if you plan to make it yourself, though it does need you to purchase cannabis oil (you can substitute CBD oil in the recipe if you would rather). It couldn’t be easier to make your own. Simply put a serving of peanut butter in a bowl, add cannabis oil and combine. You can mix the two with a spoon and they’re ready to go. It works best with smooth types of peanut butter.
Cannabis-Infused Teas
They are a lot of health benefits of tea consumption. Cannabis can be infused into teas relatively simple, too. One of the benefits is that you may already be straining the tea, so adding cannabis doesn’t add too much in terms of the vegan edibles recipe. It also doesn’t make you high if you follow the recipe, so it can be a good solution if you are looking to get anti-inflammatory benefits, for instance.
Cannabis-infused teas can be made by adding the cannabis at the point where you add your tea leaves. However, THC isn’t soluble in this way so you will not get the psychoactive effects. If you want to include these THC effects you can use cannabis-infused vegan milk with your tea.
Cannabis-Infused Coffee

Cannabis-infused coffees are one of the more interesting ways to consume cannabis. They can often be made simply by infusing vegan milk such as nut milk with cannabis and using this to make lattes or cappuccinos. Make an espresso shot, and add this to milk that has been infused with cannabis.
To infuse the milk with cannabis, heat the milk with a little bit of water on the stove. Get it to a point where it simmers and add ground cannabis. After around 30 minutes, the milk will have been sufficiently infused with cannabis so that it will pass on its effects, you should strain the milk. Use a cheesecloth to pour the milk (slowly) through and you will end up with milk that has been sufficiently infused with cannabis. You’ll get a lot of the benefits that you would get from other consumption methods.
Cannabis-Infused Smoothies
The same milk method used above can be used as the start of your cannabis smoothies, but there are multiple ways that you can do this. You can add cannabis oil to your smoothie, or even add ground cannabis before you blend your smoothie in the smoothie maker. You can filter this if you wish or if you don’t mind having small flecks of cannabis within, you don’t have to strain.
One of the great things about smoothies is the fact you can add pretty much whatever you want. If you have other supplements or cannabis products you wish to add in order to get your daily dose, you can blend it all together in a smoothie with some food and juices that are good for you. Smoothies are a blank canvas for your vegan edibles.
Whether you plan to buy vegan edibles or make them your own, there are many ways to do it. Cannabis oil is helpful, but it can be expensive, so you can infuse ingredients with cannabis in different ways to get the same benefits.
Coconut oil
The cannabutter of OG edible infusions for vegans, THC-infused coconut oil is very easy to make at home, and probably the most cost-effective (as are weed-infused vegetable and olive oils), but you can find cannabis coconut oil for sale at some dispensaries, though it’s not the easiest to find. Alchemy Food Co. is probably the best bet right now, with coconut oil available at pot shops across the state. And if you’re too lazy to cook, Alchemy also makes a small line of vegan THC-infused baked goods.